Fisher 1260x Metal Detector Manual Fisher M Scope Manual 1260x Fisher Metal Detectors M-Scope CW. This Weatherproof, Lightweight, Multi-Purpose detector is ideal for Inclement. The F44 features Adjustable Iron Audio, Computerized & Manual Ground Balancing, 9-Segment Visual Target-ID, 5 Modes of Operation, Pinpoint, 20 Levels of Adjustable Sensitivity, and 4-Tone Audio-ID.
Consignment / Used Fisher F44 Metal Detector with 11' Concentric Elliptical Waterproof Search Coil, Five-Year Warranty. This machine was converted to 2, 9V batteries before I got it. But after a 2-3 hrs use, I get a longer louder beep. When I push the trigger forward with new batteries, I get a short beep. I want to know how to tell when the battery is dead. I also have a Fisher 1260x and would love to get an electronic copy of a manual for this machine. Lockheed SR 71 Blackbird - Duration: 15:01. Fisher 1265x metal detector depth test garden review video - Duration: 4:22.